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#include <Image.h>
Image (void)
Image (const Image& image)
Image ( Image&& image)
Image (const Size& size)
Image (uint16 w, uint16 h)
bool IsValid (void) const
bool Create (const Size& size)
bool Create (uint16 w, uint16 h)
void Destroy (void)
uint16 GetWidth (void) const
uint16 GetHeight (void) const
uint32 GetLength (void) const
uint32* GetData (void) const
uint32 GetLimit (void) const
Color GetPixel (const Point& point) const
Color GetPixel (uint16 x, uint16 y) const
void SetPixel (const Point& point, Color c)
void SetPixel (uint16 x, uint16 y, Color c)
bool Fill (const Color& color)
bool Fill (uint8 r, uint8 g, uint8 b, uint8 a = 255)
bool Swap (const char* sw)
bool Flip (bool h, bool v)
Image& operator = (const Image& image)
Image& operator = ( Image&& image)
bool operator == (const Image& image) const
bool operator != (const Image& image) const


Represents a cross-platform and hardware-independent two-dimensional image. An image can be created through the Constructor or Create functions but in both cases, data is allocated using width and height. To check whether an image has been created, use the IsValid function. Use the Destroy function when the image is no longer needed to free up any used resources, although it is also called by the destructor automatically.

When creating an image that's already been created, if the current length of the pixel data is greater than the new length, then only the dimensions get set, and the pixel data remains unmodified. If, however, the current length is less than the new length, the image gets destroyed, and new data gets allocated.

Image metrics are available through accessor functions like GetWidth, GetHeight, and GetLength. To get access to the pixel data directly, use the GetData function which returns a one-dimensional array of packed ARGB integers. Alternately, GetPixel and SetPixel can also be used to manipulate the pixel data.

Image image (4, 6);
image.Fill  (0   );
uint32* data = image.GetData();

image.GetWidth (); // 4
image.GetHeight(); // 6
image.GetLength(); // 24

data[ 4] = 0xFFC80000;
data[11] = 0xFF3CB43C;
data[17] = 0xFF3C78B4;

image.GetPixel (0, 1); // (200,   0,   0)
image.GetPixel (3, 2); // ( 60, 180,  60)
image.GetPixel (1, 4); // ( 60, 120, 180)

The Image class provides additional functionality for manipulating the image. The Fill function, for instance, can be used to fill the entire image with a color while the Flip function can mirror the image vertically or horizontally. Individual channels of pixels can be swapped using the Swap function; this is especially useful for when the channels need to arranged in a specific order.

The Image class supports deep copying, move semantics, and deep comparison. Where appropriate, the image gets copied in its entirety; the now independent copy has the same width and height as the original. In instances where a copy is inefficient, a move is used instead, allowing the class to behave like a regular POD type.


Image (void)

Constructs an image with all components set to zero.

Image (const Image& image)
Image ( Image&& image)

Constructs an image by copying or moving the contents of image.

Image (const Size& size)
Image (uint16 w, uint16 h)

Constructs an image with width and height set to size or w and h.

Warning: Data is uninitialized, use the Fill function to initialize the data prior to use.


bool IsValid (void) const

Returns true if this image has been created.

bool Create (const Size& size)
bool Create (uint16 w, uint16 h)

Creates a new image with width and height set to size. If this image has already been created and the current length of the pixel data is enough to accommodate the new length, then only the dimensions get set, and the pixel data remains unmodified. If, however, the current length is less than the new length, then this image gets destroyed, and new data gets allocated. If any component of size is zero, this function returns false

Warning: Data is uninitialized, use the Fill function to initialize the data prior to use.

void Destroy (void)

Destroys the internal pixel data and deletes any memory which might have been allocated. All values including width and height are set to zero. This function does nothing if the image has not yet been created or has already been destroyed.

uint16 GetWidth (void) const
uint16 GetHeight (void) const

Returns the width and height of this image.

uint32 GetLength (void) const

Returns the number of pixels in this image (i.e. width × height).

uint32* GetData (void) const

Returns a pointer to the pixel data, stored as an array of packed ARGB integers.

uint32 GetLimit (void) const

Returns the length of the pixel data array, which could be greater than length.

Color GetPixel (const Point& point) const
Color GetPixel (uint16 x, uint16 y) const

Returns the Color of the pixel at point. A default Color is returned if point is out of bounds.

void SetPixel (const Point& point, Color c)
void SetPixel (uint16 x, uint16 y, Color c)

Sets the Color of the pixel at point to c. Does nothing if point is out of bounds.

bool Fill (const Color& color)
bool Fill (uint8 r, uint8 g, uint8 b, uint8 a = 255)

Fills the entire image with color and returns true. Returns false if this image is not valid.

bool Swap (const char* sw)

Swaps the channels of each pixel in the entire image based on the value of sw and returns true. sw is made up of four case-insensitive letters: r, g, b, and a, arranged in the order the channels should be rearranged in. Passing "argb", for instance, results in no changes because that is the initial order of the channels, but passing "abgr" keeps the alpha and green channels where they are and only swaps the red and blue channels. Returns false if this image is not valid or the format of sw is incorrect.

bool Flip (bool h, bool v)

Flips the entire image horizontally or vertically depending on the values of h and v and returns true. Returns false if this image is not valid.


Image& operator = (const Image& image)
Image& operator = ( Image&& image)

Copies or moves the contents of image to this image. Prior instances are destroyed.

bool operator == (const Image& image) const
bool operator != (const Image& image) const

Performs an equality comparison to determine whether the two images are identical.

Warning: This function can be slow for larger images unless they have different sizes.


// C++
#include <Robot.h>

int main (void)
    Image image (2, 4);
    image.GetWidth (); // 2
    image.GetHeight(); // 4
    image.GetLength(); // 8
    image.GetLimit (); // 8

    // GetData allocated
    image.Create (4, 6);
    image.GetLength(); // 24
    image.GetLimit (); // 24

    // GetData unchanged
    image.Create (4, 2);
    image.GetLength(); // 8
    image.GetLimit (); // 24

    // Fill image with white
    image.Fill (0xFFFFFFFF);

    // 00AA00, BB00CC, white, white
    // 00DD00, EE00FF, white, white
    uint32* data = image.GetData();
    data[0] = 0xFF00AA00; // (0, 0)
    data[1] = 0xFFBB00CC; // (1, 0)
    data[4] = 0xFF00DD00; // (0, 1)
    data[5] = 0xFFEE00FF; // (1, 1)

    // Switch red and blue channels
    // 00AA00, CC00BB, white, white
    // 00DD00, FF00EE, white, white
    image.Swap ("abgr");

    // Mirror the image horizontally
    // white, white, CC00BB, 00AA00
    // white, white, FF00EE, 00DD00
    image.Flip (true, false);

    // Create new copy
    Image copy = image;
    copy.GetPixel (2, 0); // 0xFFCC00BB
    copy.GetPixel (3, 0); // 0xFF00AA00
    copy.GetPixel (2, 1); // 0xFFFF00EE
    copy.GetPixel (3, 1); // 0xFF00DD00

    image == copy; // True
    image != copy; // False

    image == copy; // False
    image != copy; // True
    return 0;
// Node
var robot = require ("robot-js");

var image = robot.Image (2, 4);
image.getWidth (); // 2
image.getHeight(); // 4
image.getLength(); // 8
image.getLimit (); // 8

// getData allocated
image.create (4, 6);
image.getLength(); // 24
image.getLimit (); // 24

// getData unchanged
image.create (4, 2);
image.getLength(); // 8
image.getLimit (); // 24

// Fill image with white
image.fill (0xFFFFFFFF);

// 00AA00, BB00CC, white, white
// 00DD00, EE00FF, white, white
var data = image.getData();
data[0] = 0xFF00AA00; // (0, 0)
data[1] = 0xFFBB00CC; // (1, 0)
data[4] = 0xFF00DD00; // (0, 1)
data[5] = 0xFFEE00FF; // (1, 1)

// Switch red and blue channels
// 00AA00, CC00BB, white, white
// 00DD00, FF00EE, white, white
image.swap ("abgr");

// Mirror the image horizontally
// white, white, CC00BB, 00AA00
// white, white, FF00EE, 00DD00
image.flip (true, false);

// Create new image clone
var copy = image.clone();
copy.getPixel (2, 0); // 0xFFCC00BB
copy.getPixel (3, 0); // 0xFF00AA00
copy.getPixel (2, 1); // 0xFFFF00EE
copy.getPixel (3, 1); // 0xFF00DD00

image.eq (copy); // True (copy); // False

image.eq (copy); // False (copy); // True