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#include <Mouse.h>
Mouse (void)
void Click (Button button) const
void Press (Button button) const
void Release (Button button) const
void ScrollH (int32 amount) const
void ScrollV (int32 amount) const
Point GetPos (void)
void SetPos (const Point& point)
void SetPos (uint32 x, uint32 y)
bool GetState (Button button)
bool GetState (ButtonState& result)
Range AutoDelay


Provides a simple interface for generating native mouse events on the system. These events can be used for the purposes of test automation, self-running demos, and other applications where control of the mouse is needed. Certain platforms require special privileges or extensions to access low-level mouse controls. If the current platform configuration does not allow this, most of the functionality in the class will perform no operation or return otherwise invalid data. As an example, Linux depends on XTest 2.2 to carry out the majority of the low-level functionality, when missing, the class will not work.

Although mouse events are system-wide, a mouse object must still be created through the Constructor in order to support multiple auto delays. Once created, use the Press and Release functions to generate mouse button press and release events. Use the Click function to generate both a press, followed by a release. Use the ScrollH and ScrollV functions to generate either a horizontal or vertical mouse scroll event. All these functions will block after generating an event, the amount of time blocked can be configured through the AutoDelay property.

The Mouse class also offers a variety of non-blocking static functions. For instance, the position of the mouse can be manipulated through the GetPos and SetPos functions. Additionally, the current down-state of one of more mouse buttons can be retrieved through the GetState functions.


typedef unordered_map<Button, bool> Robot::ButtonState;


Mouse (void)

Constructs a mouse with an AutoDelay between 40 and 90 milliseconds.


void Click (Button button) const

Performs a Press followed by a Release.

void Press (Button button) const
void Release (Button button) const

Presses or releases a single mouse button and blocks for AutoDelay milliseconds. The value of button can be any valid Button, however, not all buttons are supported on all platforms and will be ignored without blocking. Passing a button which is not part of the Button enumeration leads to undefined results. A pressed button should always be released. Pressing or releasing the same button multiple times is not always guaranteed to generate respective press or release events on the target platform.

Mac: Double clicking is simulated using an internal timer, therefore, calling click twice within a short period of time will simulate a double click, just like it would on any other platform.

void ScrollH (int32 amount) const
void ScrollV (int32 amount) const

Rotates the scroll wheel on wheel-equipped mice and blocks for AutoDelay milliseconds. Depending on the function used, the scroll wheel will either be rotated horizontally or vertically. amount refers to the physical number of "notches" to scroll. For horizontal scrolling, negative values indicate movement to the left while positive values indicate movement to the right. For vertical scrolling, negative values indicate movement down/towards the user while positive values indicate movement up/away from the user.

static Point GetPos (void)
static void SetPos (const Point& point)
static void SetPos (uint32 x, uint32 y)

Gets or sets the global position of the mouse cursor in pixels. Out of bounds values are automatically corrected by the platform so that the cursor remains within the boundaries of the display devices on the computer.

static bool GetState (Button button)

Returns true if button is currently pressed system-wide, regardless of whether or not the calling application has focus. The value of button can be any valid Button, however, not all buttons are supported on all platforms and thus, will cause this function to return false. Passing a button which is not part of the Button enumeration will also cause this function to return false. If two of more button states need to be checked, consider using the other GetState function for improved performance.

static bool GetState (ButtonState& result)

Checks the pressed state of all buttons system-wide, regardless of whether or not the calling application has focus. If an error occurs, this function will return false, however, result will always be cleared regardless of whether or not this function succeeds. Not all buttons are supported on all platforms and thus, will always be set to false. If only one button state needs to be checked, consider using the other GetState function for improved performance.


Range AutoDelay

Provides direct access to the automatic delay range in milliseconds.


Represents the mouse buttons supported by this class. These buttons do not map to any platform-dependent value. ButtonLeft and ButtonRight map to the users system-configured buttons rather than physical mouse buttons. ButtonMid and ButtonMiddle map to the same button. ButtonX1 and ButtonX2 are only supported on Windows and will be ignored when used on Linux and Mac.

enum Button


// C++
#include <Robot.h>

int main (void)
    Mouse mouse;
    // Click the right button
    mouse.Click (ButtonRight);

    // Current mouse position
    auto pos = Mouse::GetPos();

    // Move the mouse left
    // and up by 50 pixels
    Mouse::SetPos (pos - 50);

    // Change default auto delay
    mouse.AutoDelay.Min = 100;
    mouse.AutoDelay.Max = 200;

    // Maybe select some text
    mouse.Press   (ButtonLeft);
    mouse.ScrollV (4); // up
    mouse.Release (ButtonLeft);

    ButtonState s;
    while (true)
        // Press left and right
        // buttons to exit loop
        Mouse::GetState (s);
        if (s[ButtonLeft ] &&

        // Avoid busy wait
        Timer::Sleep (15);

    return 0;
// Node
var robot = require ("robot-js");

var mouse = robot.Mouse();
// Click the right button (robot.BUTTON_RIGHT);

// Get current mouse position
var pos = robot.Mouse.getPos();

// Move the mouse left
// and up by 50 pixels
robot.Mouse.setPos (pos.sub (50));

// Change default auto delay
mouse.autoDelay.min = 100;
mouse.autoDelay.max = 200;

// Maybe select text in an editor   (robot.BUTTON_LEFT);
mouse.scrollV (4); // up
mouse.release (robot.BUTTON_LEFT);

while (true)
    // Press left and right
    // buttons to exit loop
    var s = robot.Mouse.getState();
    if (s[robot.BUTTON_LEFT ] &&

    // Avoid busy waiting
    robot.Timer.sleep (15);