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#include <Process.h>
Process (int32 pid = 0)
bool Open (int32 pid)
void Close (void)
bool IsValid (void) const
bool Is64Bit (void) const
bool IsDebugged (void) const
int32 GetPID (void) const
uintptr GetHandle (void) const
string GetName (void) const
string GetPath (void) const
void Exit (void)
void Kill (void)
bool HasExited (void) const
ModuleList GetModules (const char* name = nullptr) const
WindowList GetWindows (const char* title = nullptr) const
ProcessList GetList (const char* name = nullptr)
Process GetCurrent (void)
bool IsSys64Bit (void)
bool operator == (const Process& process) const
bool operator != (const Process& process) const
bool operator == (int32 pid) const
bool operator != (int32 pid) const


Represents a single process running on the system. A process, in simpler terms, represents any application which can be uniquely identified by a PID. To select a process, simply pass the PID of the target process to the Constructor or Open function. In cases where the PID of the target process is not known, a list of all processes can be retrieved through the GetList function. To select the current active/calling process, use the GetCurrent function. To check whether a process has been selected, use the IsValid function. Use the Close function to deselect the process and free up any used resources, although this function is called by the destructor and open function automatically.

After a process has been selected, the Process class offers several functions for retrieving useful information and manipulating the process in various ways. For instance, to retrieve the name of the process, use the GetName function, to terminate the process, use either the Exit or Kill function. In addition to the built-in functions, the Process class also provides low-level access to the platform-dependent process handle, which can be used in conjunction with system calls to create custom functionality. This handle can be retrieved through the GetHandle function.

The Process class can also be used to check the architecture of the operating system at runtime by using the IsSys64Bit function. Comparison is supported as well.


typedef vector<Module > Robot::ModuleList;
typedef vector<Window > Robot::WindowList;
typedef vector<Process> Robot::ProcessList;


Process (int32 pid = 0)

Constructs a process with a call to Open.


bool Open (int32 pid)

Attempts to select the process identified by PID. If a process has already been selected, it is closed prior to selecting the new one, regardless of whether or not this function succeeded. If PID is zero, negative or not found, this function marks this class as invalid and returns false. This function may also fail if the target process requires elevated privileges.

In addition to selecting a process, this function will also read and cache certain information about that process. This includes the PID, name, path, architecture and the platform-dependent handle (if applicable). By caching this information locally, it ensures that respective accessor functions perform in constant-time and without any additional system calls.

Mac: This function will attempt to retrieve the mach task port, if it fails this function will still succeed but certain functionality will be unavailable. To check whether a mach task port was successfully retrieved, check that GetHandle returns a non-zero value.

Warning: A 64-bit process cannot be selected from a 32-bit application.

void Close (void)

Deselects the process if one has been selected, making this class invalid.

bool IsValid (void) const

Returns true if a process has been selected and is still currently accessible.

bool Is64Bit (void) const

Returns true if the selected process is 64-bit. Returns false if no process is selected.

bool IsDebugged (void) const

Returns true if the selected process is being debugged. Returns false if no process is selected.

Mac: This function requires a valid mach task port in order to work.

int32 GetPID (void) const

Returns the unique PID of the selected process. Returns zero if no process is selected.

uintptr GetHandle (void) const

Returns the platform-dependent handle to the selected process. If no process is selected, this function returns zero. On Linux, this function will always return zero. On Mac, this function returns a mach task port as retrieved by task_for_pid, or zero if it failed. On Windows, this function returns a handle to the process as retrieved by OpenProcess.

string GetName (void) const

Returns the executable image name of the selected process, as a UTF-8 encoded string. This function does not return the platform-dependent executable name but rather just the last portion of GetPath. Returns an empty string if no name is available or no process has been selected.

string GetPath (void) const

Returns the full path of the executable image for the selected process, as a UTF-8 encoded string. A forward slash (/) is always used to represent directories across all platforms. Returns an empty string if no path is available or no process has been selected.

void Exit (void)

Attempts to exit the selected process. This function may not always cause the process to exit, such as in the case of save prompts. On Linux and Mac, a SIGTERM signal is sent to the selected process. On Windows, this function posts a WM_CLOSE message to all top-level windows of the process. Console applications on Windows that do not run an event loop, or whose event loop does not handle the WM_CLOSE message can only be terminated using Kill. Does nothing if no process is selected.

void Kill (void)

Kills the selected process, causing it to exit immediately. On Linux and Mac, a SIGKILL signal is sent to the selected process. On Windows, this function calls TerminateProcess on the selected process. Does nothing if no process is selected.

bool HasExited (void) const

Returns true if the selected process has exited. If no process is selected, this function returns true. On Linux and Mac, once the process has terminated, the associated PID will become invalid, in turn, making this class invalid. On Windows, a handle to a process can remain valid even when the process has terminated, allowing certain functionality to still work.

ModuleList GetModules (const char* name = nullptr) const

Returns a list of all modules loaded into the selected process. name accepts any valid case-insensitive ECMAScript regular expression which will be used to filter out modules by name. An empty list will be returned if no process has been selected or the regular expression syntax is incorrect, as determined by regex. The resulting list is guaranteed to be sorted from the lowest base address to the highest and will never contain any duplicate entries.

Mac: This function requires a valid mach task port in order to work.

WindowList GetWindows (const char* title = nullptr) const

Returns a list of all visible windows on the system which are a part of the selected process. title accepts any valid case-insensitive ECMAScript regular expression which will be used to filter out windows by title. An empty list will be returned if no process has been selected or the regular expression syntax is incorrect, as determined by regex.

static ProcessList GetList (const char* name = nullptr)

Returns a list of all selectable processes on the system. name accepts any valid case-insensitive ECMAScript regular expression which will be used to filter out processes by name. An empty list will be returned if the regular expression syntax is incorrect, as determined by regex.

static Process GetCurrent (void)

Selects and returns the current active/calling process.

static bool IsSys64Bit (void)

Returns true if the running operating system is 64-bit.


bool operator == (const Process& process) const
bool operator != (const Process& process) const
bool operator == (int32 pid) const
bool operator != (int32 pid) const

Performs equality comparison to determine whether two processes have identical PIDs.


// C++
#include <Robot.h>

int main (void)
    // Retrieve the active/calling process
    Process process = Process::GetCurrent();

    process.IsValid(); // True if valid
    process.Is64Bit(); // True if 64-bit
    process.GetPID (); // PID of process
    process.GetName(); // binary
    process.GetPath(); // path/to/binary

    // Create a shared copy
    Process copy = process;

    copy.Open (4815); // True if valid and selectable
    copy == process;  // True  because of shared ptr
    copy != process;  // False because of shared ptr

    process.Kill ();     // Terminate immediately
    process.HasExited(); // True if terminated
    process.Close();     // Completely optional

    // GetModules discussed in Module documentation
    // GetWindows discussed in Window documentation

    // Try for regex visualization
    auto list = Process::GetList (".*binary.*");

    // List is an STL vector
    for (const auto& p : list)
        p.GetName(); // Always contains "binary"

    Process::IsSys64Bit(); // True if 64-bit OS
    return 0;
// Node
var robot = require ("robot-js");

// Retrieve the active/calling process
var process = robot.Process.getCurrent();

process.isValid(); // True if valid
process.is64Bit(); // True if 64-bit
process.getPID (); // PID of process
process.getName(); // binary
process.getPath(); // path/to/binary

// Create independent copy
var copy = process.clone();  (4815); // True if valid and selectable
copy.eq (process); // False because of new copy (process); // True  because of new copy

copy.kill ();      // Terminate immediately
copy.hasExited();  // True if terminated
copy.close();      // Completely optional

// getModules discussed in Module documentation
// getWindows discussed in Window documentation

// Try for regex visualization
var list = robot.Process.getList (".*binary.*");

// List is an array (function (p)
    p.getName(); // Always contains "binary"

robot.Process.isSys64Bit(); // True if 64-bit OS